Share the Joy
Handwritten Wish
Radiant Greetings
- You can totally personalize it! Add text of your own or put a favorite quote and of course, place the picture/s you want to show off! There are also non-photo cards available.
- You have the option to choose whether the sides of the card is rounded [e.g. Share the Joy] or pointed [e.g. Radiant Greetings].
- You can choose the size you like, rectangular, square or round ones, which is now becoming my favorite because I can already make them Christmas ornaments!
- It's easy to switch the layout from portrait to landscape.
- You can put your address on the envelope and/or send it directly to the intended person/s.
If you'd like to try Tiny Prints this year, do not forget to visit their Special Offers page so you can save more! Don't forget to add Tiny Prints to your social medias:
This is a sponsored review.
Everything was based on my 100% honest opinion.
This is great. I am looking for HOLIDAY CARD, preparation for this Christmas Holiday. Thanks for this sis.
ReplyDeleteThis would really be a better gift this Christmas as the customization part needs more time, thought, effort and appreciation of the recipient.
ReplyDeleteValuable information here. Looks like an easy and painless way to get holiday cards sent out. Nice write up.