
August 6, 2012

A #Healthy #Snack for #Bloggers Like Me!

I have been looking for the perfect healthy snack, for when I blog, it takes me long hours of sitting.

I recently visited a friend and she gave me some bars in green packaging. When a food packaging comes in that color, only three words come to my mind - diet, tasteless and eeewww! I didn't even read the label, just the brand name. I didn't know it was a granola bar until I tasted it!

This yummy treat is Nature Valley's crunchy granola bar in Oats and Honey. It contains two bars per pack [only 95 calories per bar], so either you share it with someone or eat them all up. I chose to eat both because I love the combination of a healthy ingredients and sweets, pleases my sweet tooth. I consider it healthy because according to the label, it has 8% DV of Dietary Fiber, 4g of Protein and 4% DV of Iron. You should remember that I am not on a diet. I read the Nutrition Facts most of the time just so I'd know if I can share it with my 16-month old and my husband. I am actually more concerned about their health than mine. Anyway, I like the Nature Valley Oats 'n Honey even more because it's crunchy. I love the sound it produces every time I bite them, though I don't like the crumbs falling on the keyboard.

After this "tried and tasted" thing, I'd say it's a perfect snack for the whole family, I even let my little one, a picky eater, taste some and she liked it!

So, where would you take that bar? I sure am going to put two packs in my bag so I can munch on it anytime.

1 comment :

  1. Agree! Loved them, even shared some with my office mates when I got a box! :)


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